Sphinx-Needs Timing Measurement: Sphinx-Needs

Build Duration: 144.72s       Build timestamp: 2024-12-02T21:07:05.411297       Elements: 19


# Function Category Source Overall [s] Average [s] Min [s] Max [s] Amount Min/Max spread [%] Ratio build time[%]
1 build_need_repr build_need_repr internal 1.1313002 0.0051190 0.0023380 0.2305992 221 9863.0 0.78
2 _build_needextract build_needextract internal 0.0171493 0.0042873 0.0030704 0.0047504 4 154.7 0.01
3 calc_sum dyn_func user 0.0063302 0.0015826 0.0000154 0.0058848 4 38143.9 0.00
4 check_linked_values dyn_func user 0.0005391 0.0000899 0.0000030 0.0005134 6 17391.7 0.00
5 copy dyn_func user 0.0015104 0.0000719 0.0000008 0.0014724 21 192725.9 0.00
6 echo dyn_func user 0.0000018 0.0000009 0.0000008 0.0000010 2 138.1 0.00
7 links_from_content dyn_func user 0.0002198 0.0001099 0.0000155 0.0002043 2 1317.7 0.00
8 test dyn_func user 0.0000079 0.0000079 0.0000079 0.0000079 1 100.0 0.00
9 filter_needs filtering internal 0.0520771 0.0016274 0.0000241 0.0232794 32 96751.6 0.04
10 filter_single_need filtering internal 0.0292665 0.0000075 0.0000028 0.0002112 3913 7417.2 0.02
11 post_process_needs_data need_post_process internal 0.1199514 0.1199514 0.1199514 0.1199514 1 100.0 0.08
12 run need internal 0.2116771 0.0009985 0.0000611 0.0773128 212 126613.6 0.15
13 process_needflow_graphviz needflow_graphviz internal 0.0073219 0.0036609 0.0011297 0.0061922 2 548.1 0.01
14 process_needflow_plantuml needflow_plantuml internal 0.0256841 0.0042807 0.0006016 0.0122047 6 2028.6 0.02
15 run needflow internal 0.0030739 0.0000878 0.0000655 0.0002093 35 319.3 0.00
16 run needimport internal 0.0027414 0.0027414 0.0027414 0.0027414 1 100.0 0.00
17 process_needpie needpie internal 0.6646152 0.3323076 0.0404135 0.6242017 2 1544.5 0.46
18 process_needtables needtable internal 6.1069065 0.8724152 0.0269019 4.9689985 7 18470.8 4.22
19 process_needuml needuml internal 0.1083321 0.0361107 0.0017524 0.0681096 3 3886.6 0.07


(build_needextract, internal)

Amount 4.00000
Overall [s] 0.01715
Average [s] 0.00429
Min [s] 0.00307
Max [s] 0.00475
Min-Max spread [%] 154.71508
Ratio build time [%] 0.01
Max run analysis

Max: 0.0047504260001005605


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<Needextract docname="directives/needextract" filter="id == \'EXTRACT_FEATURE_1\'"', "{'docname': 'directives/needextract', 'lineno': 15, 'lineno_content': 18, 'docty", "{'ids': ['needextract-directives/needextract-0'], 'classes': [], 'names': [], 'd"]


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needextract.py

Line: 166

Function docs

Creates a new need representation.

(build_need_repr, internal)

Amount 221.00000
Overall [s] 1.13130
Average [s] 0.00512
Min [s] 0.00234
Max [s] 0.23060
Min-Max spread [%] 9862.96159
Ratio build time [%] 0.78
Max run analysis

Max: 0.2305991980001636


['<Need classes="need need-req green_border" ids="EXT-REQ-1" refid="EXT-REQ-1"><pa', "{'docname': 'directives/list2need', 'lineno': 516, 'lineno_content': 522, 'docty", '<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>']


{'docname': 'directives/list2need'}
Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/layout.py

Line: 39

Function docs

Create an output representation for a need.

:param layout: Override layout from need data / config
:param style: Override style from need data / config
:param docname: Override docname from need data / config

The created table will have the following docutils structure::

- table
-- tgroup
--- colspec (partial used)
--- thead (not used)
--- tbody
---- row
----- entry
------ custom layout nodes

The level structure must be kept, otherwise docutils can not handle it!

(dyn_func, user)

Amount 4.00000
Overall [s] 0.00633
Average [s] 0.00158
Min [s] 0.00002
Max [s] 0.00588
Min-Max spread [%] 38143.87989
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.005884837999474257


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', "{'docname': 'dynamic_functions', 'lineno': 41, 'lineno_content': 45, 'doctype': ", "{'xyz_123': {'docname': 'configuration', 'lineno': 248, 'lineno_content': 254, '", 'hours', 'hours.isdigit() and float(hours) > 10']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 303

Function docs

Sums the values of a given option in filtered needs up to single number.

Useful e.g. for calculating the amount of needed hours for implementation of all linked
specification needs.

**Input data**

.. spec:: Do this
:id: sum_input_1
:hours: 7
:collapse: False

.. spec:: Do that
:id: sum_input_2
:hours: 15
:collapse: False

.. spec:: Do too much
:id: sum_input_3
:hours: 110
:collapse: False

**Example 2**

.. need-example::

.. req:: Result 1
:amount: [[calc_sum("hours")]]
:collapse: False

**Example 2**

.. need-example::

.. req:: Result 2
:amount: [[calc_sum("hours", "hours.isdigit() and float(hours) > 10")]]
:collapse: False

**Example 3**

.. need-example::

.. req:: Result 3
:links: sum_input_1; sum_input_3
:amount: [[calc_sum("hours", links_only="True")]]
:collapse: False

**Example 4**

.. need-example::

.. req:: Result 4
:links: sum_input_1; sum_input_3
:amount: [[calc_sum("hours", "hours.isdigit() and float(hours) > 10", "True")]]
:collapse: False

:param option: Options, from which the numbers shall be taken
:param filter: Filter string, which all needs must passed to get their value added.
:param links_only: If "True", only linked needs are taken into account.

:return: A float number

(dyn_func, user)

Amount 6.00000
Overall [s] 0.00054
Average [s] 0.00009
Min [s] 0.00000
Max [s] 0.00051
Min-Max spread [%] 17391.66306
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.0005134020002515172


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', "{'docname': 'dynamic_functions', 'lineno': 57, 'lineno_content': 62, 'doctype': ", "{'xyz_123': {'docname': 'configuration', 'lineno': 248, 'lineno_content': 254, '", 'progress', 'status', 'in progress', 'type == "req" ']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 174

Function docs

Returns a specific value, if for all linked needs a given option has a given value.

The linked needs can be filtered by using the ``filter`` option.

If ``one_hit`` is set to True, only one linked need must have a positive match for the searched value.


**Needs used as input data**

.. need-example::

.. req:: Input A
:id: clv_A
:status: in progress

.. req:: Input B
:id: clv_B
:status: in progress

.. spec:: Input C
:id: clv_C
:status: closed

**Example 1: Positive check**

Status gets set to *progress*.

.. need-example::

.. spec:: result 1: Positive check
:links: clv_A, clv_B
:status: [[check_linked_values('progress', 'status', 'in progress' )]]
:collapse: False

**Example 2: Negative check**

Status gets not set to *progress*, because status of linked need *clv_C* does not match *"in progress"*.

.. need-example::

.. spec:: result 2: Negative check
:links: clv_A, clv_B, clv_C
:status: [[check_linked_values('progress', 'status', 'in progress' )]]
:collapse: False

**Example 3: Positive check thanks of used filter**

status gets set to *progress*, because linked need *clv_C* is not part of the filter.

.. need-example::

.. spec:: result 3: Positive check thanks of used filter
:links: clv_A, clv_B, clv_C
:status: [[check_linked_values('progress', 'status', 'in progress', 'type == "req" ' )]]
:collapse: False

**Example 4: Positive check thanks of one_hit option**

Even *clv_C* has not the searched status, status gets anyway set to *progress*.
That's because ``one_hit`` is used so that only one linked need must have the searched

.. need-example::

.. spec:: result 4: Positive check thanks of one_hit option
:links: clv_A, clv_B, clv_C
:status: [[check_linked_values('progress', 'status', 'in progress', one_hit=True )]]
:collapse: False

**Result 5: Two checks and a joint status**
Two checks are performed and both are positive. So their results get joined.

.. need-example::

.. spec:: result 5: Two checks and a joint status
:links: clv_A, clv_B, clv_C
:status: [[check_linked_values('progress', 'status', 'in progress', one_hit=True )]] [[check_linked_values('closed', 'status', 'closed', one_hit=True )]]
:collapse: False

:param result: value, which gets returned if all linked needs have parsed the checks
:param search_option: option name, which is used n linked needs for the search
:param search_value: value, which an option of a linked need must match
:param filter_string: Checks are only performed on linked needs, which pass the defined filter
:param one_hit: If True, only one linked need must have a positive check
:return: result, if all checks are positive

(dyn_func, user)

Amount 21.00000
Overall [s] 0.00151
Average [s] 0.00007
Min [s] 0.00000
Max [s] 0.00147
Min-Max spread [%] 192725.88952
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.001472425999963889


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', "{'docname': 'dynamic_functions', 'lineno': 44, 'lineno_content': 47, 'doctype': ", '<sphinx_needs.views.NeedsView object at 0x7fad66e88c40>', 'title']


{'filter': 'current_need["sections"][-1]==sections[-1]'}
Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 73

Function docs

Copies the value of one need option to another

.. need-example::

.. req:: copy-example
:id: copy_1
:tags: tag_1, tag_2, tag_3
:status: open

.. spec:: copy-example implementation
:id: copy_2
:status: [[copy("status", "copy_1")]]
:links: copy_1
:comment: [[copy("id")]]

Copies status of ``copy_1`` to own status.
Sets also a comment, which copies the id of own need.

.. test:: test of specification and requirement
:id: copy_3
:links: copy_2; [[copy('links', 'copy_2')]]
:tags: [[copy('tags', 'copy_1')]]

Set own link to ``copy_2`` and also copies all links from it.

Also copies all tags from copy_1.

If the filter_string needs to compare a value from the current need and the value is unknown yet,
you can reference the valued field by using ``current_need["my_field"]`` inside the filter string.
Small example::

.. test:: test of current_need value
:id: copy_4

The following copy command copies the title of the first need found under the same highest
section (headline):

:ndf:`copy('title', filter='current_need["sections"][-1]==sections[-1]')`

.. test:: test of current_need value
:id: copy_4

The following copy command copies the title of the first need found under the same highest
section (headline):

:ndf:`copy('title', filter='current_need["sections"][-1]==sections[-1]')`

This filter possibilities get really powerful in combination with :ref:`needs_global_options`.

:param option: Name of the option to copy
:param need_id: id of the need, which contains the source option. If None, current need is taken
:param upper: Is set to True, copied value will be uppercase
:param lower: Is set to True, copied value will be lowercase
:param filter: :ref:`filter_string`, which first result is used as copy source.
:return: string of copied need option

(dyn_func, user)

Amount 2.00000
Overall [s] 0.00000
Average [s] 0.00000
Min [s] 0.00000
Max [s] 0.00000
Min-Max spread [%] 138.09519
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 1.0439998732181266e-06


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', 'None', '<sphinx_needs.views.NeedsView object at 0x7fad66e88c40>', 'first test']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 51

Function docs

.. versionadded:: 0.6.3

Just returns the given string back.
Mostly useful for tests.

.. need-example::

A nice :ndf:`echo("first test")` for a dynamic function.

(filtering, internal)

Amount 32.00000
Overall [s] 0.05208
Average [s] 0.00163
Min [s] 0.00002
Max [s] 0.02328
Min-Max spread [%] 96751.55747
Ratio build time [%] 0.04
Max run analysis

Max: 0.023279392000404187


["dict_values([{'docname': 'configuration', 'lineno': 248, 'lineno_content': 254, ", "NeedsSphinxConfig(from_toml='ubproject.toml', from_toml_table=[], types=[{'direc", 'id == "extend_test_001"', 'None']


{'location': "('directives/needextend', 43)", 'append_warning': ''}
Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/filter_common.py

Line: 483

Function docs

Filters given needs based on a given filter string.
Returns all needs, which pass the given filter.

:param needs: list of needs, which shall be filtered
:param config: NeedsSphinxConfig object
:param filter_string: strings, which gets evaluated against each need
:param current_need: current need, which uses the filter.
:param location: source location for error reporting (docname, line number)
:param append_warning: additional text to append to any failed filter warning

:return: list of found needs

(filtering, internal)

Amount 3913.00000
Overall [s] 0.02927
Average [s] 0.00001
Min [s] 0.00000
Max [s] 0.00021
Min-Max spread [%] 7417.20532
Ratio build time [%] 0.02
Max run analysis

Max: 0.0002112419997502002


["{'docname': 'configuration', 'lineno': 248, 'lineno_content': 254, 'doctype': '.", "NeedsSphinxConfig(from_toml='ubproject.toml', from_toml_table=[], types=[{'direc", 'search("([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)", title)', '<sphinx_needs.views.NeedsAndPartsListView object at 0x7fad6619e5c0>', 'None']


{'filter_compiled': '<code object <module> at 0x7fad667badb0, file "<string>", line 1>'}
Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/filter_common.py

Line: 544

Function docs

Checks if a single need/need_part passes a filter_string

:param need: the data for a single need
:param config: NeedsSphinxConfig object
:param filter_compiled: An already compiled filter_string to safe time
:param need: need or need_part
:param filter_string: string, which is used as input for eval()
:param needs: list of all needs
:return: True, if need passes the filter_string, else False
Amount 2.00000
Overall [s] 0.00022
Average [s] 0.00011
Min [s] 0.00002
Max [s] 0.00020
Min-Max spread [%] 1317.74036
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.00020434199996088864


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', "{'docname': 'dynamic_functions', 'lineno': 19, 'lineno_content': 23, 'doctype': ", "{'xyz_123': {'docname': 'configuration', 'lineno': 248, 'lineno_content': 254, '"]


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 407

Function docs

Extracts links from content of a need.

All need-links set by using ``:need:`NEED_ID``` get extracted.

Same links are only added once.


.. req:: Requirement 1
:id: CON_REQ_1

.. req:: Requirement 2
:id: CON_REQ_2

.. spec:: Test spec
:id: CON_SPEC_1
:links: [[links_from_content()]]

This specification cares about the realisation of:

* :need:`CON_REQ_1`
* :need:`My need `

.. spec:: Test spec 2
:id: CON_SPEC_2
:links: [[links_from_content('CON_SPEC_1')]]

Links retrieved from content of :need:`CON_SPEC_1`

Used code of **CON_SPEC_1**::

.. spec:: Test spec
:id: CON_SPEC_1
:links: [[links_from_content()]]

This specification cares about the realisation of:

* :need:`CON_REQ_1`
* :need:`CON_REQ_2`

.. spec:: Test spec 2
:id: CON_SPEC_2
:links: [[links_from_content('CON_SPEC_1')]]

Links retrieved from content of :need:`CON_SPEC_1`

:param need_id: ID of need, which provides the content. If not set, current need is used.
:param filter: :ref:`filter_string`, which a found need-link must pass.
:return: List of linked need-ids in content

(need_post_process, internal)

Amount 1.00000
Overall [s] 0.11995
Average [s] 0.11995
Min [s] 0.11995
Max [s] 0.11995
Min-Max spread [%] 100.00000
Ratio build time [%] 0.08
Max run analysis

Max: 0.11995136400037154


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/need.py

Line: 279

Function docs

In-place post-processing of needs data.

This should be called after all needs (and extend) data has been collected.

This function is idempotent;
it will only be run on the first call, and will not be run again.

After this function has been run, one should assume that the needs data is finalised,
and so in principle should be treated as read-only.

(needflow_graphviz, internal)

Amount 2.00000
Overall [s] 0.00732
Average [s] 0.00366
Min [s] 0.00113
Max [s] 0.00619
Min-Max spread [%] 548.11343
Ratio build time [%] 0.01
Max run analysis

Max: 0.006192169000314607


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<document source="/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/', 'directives/needflow', '[<NeedflowGraphiz: >, <NeedflowGraphiz: >, <NeedflowGraphiz: >, <NeedflowGraphiz']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needflow/_graphviz.py

Line: 45

Function docs


(needflow_plantuml, internal)

Amount 6.00000
Overall [s] 0.02568
Average [s] 0.00428
Min [s] 0.00060
Max [s] 0.01220
Min-Max spread [%] 2028.60203
Ratio build time [%] 0.02
Max run analysis

Max: 0.012204718999782926


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<document source="/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/', 'directives/needflow', '[<NeedflowPlantuml: >, <NeedflowPlantuml: >, <NeedflowPlantuml: >, <NeedflowPlan']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needflow/_plantuml.py

Line: 184

Function docs


(needpie, internal)

Amount 2.00000
Overall [s] 0.66462
Average [s] 0.33231
Min [s] 0.04041
Max [s] 0.62420
Min-Max spread [%] 1544.53645
Ratio build time [%] 0.46
Max run analysis

Max: 0.6242017180002222


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<document source="/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/', 'directives/needpie', '[<Needpie: >, <Needpie: >, <Needpie: >, <Needpie: >, <Needpie: >, <Needpie: >, <']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needpie.py

Line: 111

Function docs


(needtable, internal)

Amount 7.00000
Overall [s] 6.10691
Average [s] 0.87242
Min [s] 0.02690
Max [s] 4.96900
Min-Max spread [%] 18470.78401
Ratio build time [%] 4.22
Max run analysis

Max: 4.968998494000516


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<document source="/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/', 'directives/needtable', '[<Needtable: >, <Needtable: >, <Needtable: >, <Needtable: >, <Needtable: >, <Nee']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needtable.py

Line: 122

Function docs

Replace all needtables nodes with a table of filtered nodes.

(needuml, internal)

Amount 3.00000
Overall [s] 0.10833
Average [s] 0.03611
Min [s] 0.00175
Max [s] 0.06811
Min-Max spread [%] 3886.62931
Ratio build time [%] 0.07
Max run analysis

Max: 0.06810960300026636


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', '<document source="/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/', 'directives/needarch', '[<Needuml: >, <Needuml: >, <Needuml: >, <Needuml: >, <Needuml: >, <Needuml: >]']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needuml.py

Line: 504

Function docs


(need, internal)

Amount 212.00000
Overall [s] 0.21168
Average [s] 0.00100
Min [s] 0.00006
Max [s] 0.07731
Min-Max spread [%] 126613.63699
Ratio build time [%] 0.15
Max run analysis

Max: 0.07731281900032627


['<sphinx_needs.directives.need.NeedDirective object at 0x7fad7585e550>']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/need.py

Line: 57

Function docs


(needflow, internal)

Amount 35.00000
Overall [s] 0.00307
Average [s] 0.00009
Min [s] 0.00007
Max [s] 0.00021
Min-Max spread [%] 319.34943
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.00020930800019414164


['<sphinx_needs.directives.needflow._directive.NeedflowDirective object at 0x7fad7']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needflow/_directive.py

Line: 68

Function docs


(needimport, internal)

Amount 1.00000
Overall [s] 0.00274
Average [s] 0.00274
Min [s] 0.00274
Max [s] 0.00274
Min-Max spread [%] 100.00000
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 0.0027413610005169176


['<sphinx_needs.directives.needimport.NeedimportDirective object at 0x7fad66aba1d0']


Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/directives/needimport.py

Line: 53

Function docs


(dyn_func, user)

Amount 1.00000
Overall [s] 0.00001
Average [s] 0.00001
Min [s] 0.00001
Max [s] 0.00001
Min-Max spread [%] 100.00000
Ratio build time [%] 0.00
Max run analysis

Max: 7.859000106691383e-06


['<sphinx.application.Sphinx object at 0x7fad79a0d010>', "{'docname': 'dynamic_functions', 'lineno': 11, 'lineno_content': 13, 'doctype': ", '<sphinx_needs.views.NeedsView object at 0x7fad66e88c40>', 'arg_1', '[1, 2, 3]']


{'my_keyword': 'awesome'}
Show Meta Data

File: /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/sphinx-needs/envs/latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sphinx_needs/functions/common.py

Line: 27

Function docs

Test function for dynamic functions in sphinx needs.

Collects every given args and kwargs and returns a single string, which contains their values/keys.

.. need-example::

.. req:: test requirement

:ndf:`test('arg_1', [1,2,3], my_keyword='awesome')`

:return: single test string