
Different need layouts and styles

Requirement: A normal requirement EX_REQ_1 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
tags: example
links incoming: EX_REQ_2

This is how a normal requirement looks like

A more complex and highlighted requirement
status: open
tags: awesome, nice, great, example
links outgoing: EX_REQ_1

More columns for better data structure and a red border.

This also a requirement, but we focus on content here. All meta-data is hidden, except the need-id.

A custom requirement with picture for daniel
status: open
author: daniel

This example uses the value from author to reference an image. See Layouts & Styles for the complete explanation.

Used rst-code for all examples:

.. req:: A normal requirement
   :id: EX_REQ_1
   :status: open

   This is how a normal requirement looks like

.. req:: A more complex and highlighted requirement
   :id: EX_REQ_2
   :status: open
   :tags: awesome, nice, great
   :links: EX_REQ_1
   :layout: complete
   :style: red_border

   More columns for better data structure and a red border.

.. req:: A focused requirement
   :id: EX_REQ_3
   :status: open
   :style: red
   :layout: focus_r

   This also a requirement, but we focus on content here.
   All meta-data is hidden.

.. req:: A custom requirement with picture
   :author: daniel
   :id: EX_REQ_4
   :tags: example
   :status: open
   :layout: example
   :style: yellow, blue_border

   This example uses the value from **author** to reference an image.
   See :ref:`layouts_styles` for the complete explanation.

.. req:: A requirement with a permalink
   :id: EX_REQ_5
   :tags: example
   :status: open
   :layout: permalink_example

   This is like a normal requirement looks like but additionally
   a permalink icon is shown next to the ID.

Referencing and filtering needs

Requirement: My first requirement R_F4722 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
tags: requirement, test, awesome
links incoming: OWN_ID_123

This is my first requirement!!


You can use any rst code inside it :)

Specification: Specification of a requirement OWN_ID_123 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: R_F4722
links incoming: IMPL_01, T_C3893

Outgoing links of this spec: R_F4722.

Implementation: Implementation for specification IMPL_01 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: OWN_ID_123
links incoming: T_C3893

Incoming links of this spec: T_C3893.

Test Case: Test for XY T_C3893 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: implemented
tags: test, user_interface, python27
links outgoing: OWN_ID_123, IMPL_01

This test checks Implementation for specific... (IMPL_01) for Specification of a requirement (OWN_ID_123) inside a Python 2.7 environment.

As Implementation for specific... (IMPL_01) shows, the linked Specification of a requirement (OWN_ID_123) is realisable.

Filter result as table






My first requirement



Test for XY


Filter result as diagram


' Nodes definition 

node "<size:12>Requirement</size>\n**My first**\n**requirement**\n<size:10>R_F4722</size>" as R_F4722 [[../examples/index.html#R_F4722]] #BFD8D2
node "<size:12>Specification</size>\n**Specification**\n**of a**\n**requirement**\n<size:10>OWN_ID_123</size>" as OWN_ID_123 [[../examples/index.html#OWN_ID_123]] #FEDCD2
node "<size:12>Implementation</size>\n**Implementation**\n**for**\n**specification**\n<size:10>IMPL_01</size>" as IMPL_01 [[../examples/index.html#IMPL_01]] #DF744A
node "<size:12>Test Case</size>\n**Test for XY**\n<size:10>T_C3893</size>" as T_C3893 [[../examples/index.html#T_C3893]] #DCB239

' Connection definition 

OWN_ID_123 --> R_F4722
IMPL_01 --> OWN_ID_123
T_C3893 --> OWN_ID_123
T_C3893 --> IMPL_01


Used rst code:

.. req:: My first requirement
   :status: open
   :tags: requirement; test; awesome

   This is my **first** requirement!!

   .. note:: You can use any rst code inside it :)

.. spec:: Specification of a requirement
   :id: OWN_ID_123
   :links: R_F4722

   Outgoing links of this spec: :need_outgoing:`OWN_ID_123`.

.. impl:: Implementation for specification
   :id: IMPL_01
   :links: OWN_ID_123

   Incoming links of this spec: :need_incoming:`IMPL_01`.

.. test:: Test for XY
   :status: implemented
   :tags: test; user_interface; python27
   :links: OWN_ID_123; IMPL_01

   This test checks :need:`IMPL_01` for :need:`OWN_ID_123` inside a
   Python 2.7 environment.

As :need:`IMPL_01` shows, the linked :need:`OWN_ID_123` is realisable.

**Filter result as table**

.. needtable::
   :tags: test
   :status: implemented; open

**Filter result as diagram**

.. needflow::
   :filter: "Referencing and filtering needs" == section_name