

Added in version 0.1.30.

The needs builder exports all found needs and selected filter results to a single json file.

The build creates a folder called needs and a file called needs.json inside the given build-folder.


sphinx-build -b needs source_dir build_dir


As an alternative, you can set the needs_build_json parameter in to create a needs.json file directly during the build of another output format like html.

History data

The builder stores the needs under a version taken from your

If a needs.json is imported (see needs_file) and you raise the documentation version, the new version is stored beside the old version(s) inside the needs.json.


If you generate and store/archive (e.g. in git) the needs.json file every time you raise your documentation version, you will get a nice history data.


As well as the filters and needs data, the needs.json file also contains the needs_schema. This is a JSON schema of for the data structure of a single need, and also includes a field_type for each field, to denote the source of the field, that can be one of: core, links, backlinks, extra, global.

See also needs_json_exclude_fields, needs_json_remove_defaults, and needs_reproducible_json for more options on modifying the content of the needs.json file.


needs_defaults_removed is a flag that is set to true if the defaults are removed from the needs. If it is missing or set to false, the defaults are not removed.

"created": "2017-07-03T11:54:42.433876",
"current_version": "1.5",
"project": "needs test docs",
"versions": {
    "1.0": {
        "created": "2017-07-03T11:54:42.433868",
        "needs_schema": {
            "$schema": "",
            "properties": {
                "id": {
                    "description": "ID of the data.",
                    "field_type": "core",
                    "type": "string"
                "type": {
                    "description": "Type of the need.",
                    "field_type": "core",
                    "type": "string"
                "links": {
                    "description": "Link field",
                    "field_type": "links",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "type": "array",
                    "default": []
                "status": {
                    "description": "Status of the need.",
                    "field_type": "core",
                    "type": [
                    "default": null
        "needs_defaults_removed": true,
        "needs": {
            "IMPL_01": {
                "id": "IMPL_01",
                "type": "impl",
                "links": ["OWN_ID_123"],
    "1.5": {
        "created": "2017-07-03T16:10:31.633425",
        "needs_schema": {
            "id": {
                "description": "ID of the data.",
                "field_type": "core",
                "type": "string"
            "type": {
                "description": "Type of the need.",
                "field_type": "core",
                "type": "string"
            "links": {
                "description": "Link field",
                "field_type": "links",
                "items": {
                    "type": "string"
                "type": "array",
                "default": []
            "status": {
                "description": "Status of the need.",
                "field_type": "core",
                "type": [
                "default": null
        "needs_defaults_removed": true,
        "needs": {
            "IMPL_01": {
                "id": "IMPL_01",
                "type": "impl",
                "links": ["OWN_ID_123"],
                "status": "closed",


The needumls builder saves each needuml generated plantuml code to a file, and stores all the files into a single folder during the build. The file is created only if the option :save: from needuml is configured.

The build creates a folder called needumls inside the given build-folder, e.g. _build/needumls.


make needumls


sphinx-build -M needumls source_dir build_dir


As an alternative, you can set the config option needs_build_needumls to export the needumls files during each build.


Added in version 2.0.0.

The needs_id builder exports all found needs and selected filter results to a set json files of each need with the name is id of need.

The build creates a folder called :ref:needs_build_json_per_id_path and all file json of each need inside the given build-folder.


sphinx-build -b needs_id source_dir build_dir