
Added in version 1.2.0.

list2need allows to create need objects out ouf a given list, where each list entry is used to create a single need.

It allows to speed up the need-creation process for simple needs, which in most cases just have a title and limited meta-data.

The content area of the list2need directive must contain the list only. The list-structure syntax is Sphinx-Needs specific, but borrowed from markdown.

Meta-data can be set via inline text. See Set meta-data for details.

Need-IDs get generated automatically (hash value), if not given. IDs can be set by the prefix (ID) in the line. Example: (REQ-1)My first requirement. This mechanism is the same as the one used by need_part / np.

Options for the need-objects can be set by adding them like ((status="open")). For details please see Set meta-data.

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec, test
   :presentation: nested
   :delimiter: .

   * Need example on level 1
   * (NEED-002) Another Need example on level 1 with a given ID
     * Sub-Need on level 2 with status option set
     * Another Sub-Need on level 2. Where this sentence will be used
       as content, the first one as title.
       * Sub-Need on level 3. With some rst-syntax support for
         the **content** by :ref:`list2need`
Requirement: Need example on level 1 R_F1B63 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Requirement: Another Need example on level 1 with a given ID NEED-002 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
child needs: S_B4B62, S_69FFD
Specification: Sub-Need on level 2 with status option set S_B4B62 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
parent needs: NEED-002
Specification: Another Sub-Need on level 2 S_69FFD ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: NEED-002
child needs: T_EA5AF

Where this sentence will be used as content, the first one as title.

Test Case: Sub-Need on level 3 T_EA5AF ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: S_69FFD

With some rst-syntax support for the content by list2need


There are currently known limitations in the list parser. For instance new content lines starting with * or : may get handled incorrectly.

List structure

The used list structure was defined to be as small as possible.

Each line starting with a * will create a new need object.

To define a child-need, add 2 additional whitespaces infront of *. This is called the indentation level and each level must have a need-type defined in the types option.

A line starting without a * will be added to the prior one. So it can be used to structure longer titles or content, and has no impact on the later representation.



List of need-types, which are used for the different list-levels. As input name the directive entry from the configuration variable needs_types is used.

There is no default value and types must be set.

.. list2need::
   :types: feature, function, test

   * Login user
     * Provide login screen
     * Create password hash
       * Recalculate hash and compare


Defines how the single Sphinx-Needs objects shall be presented.


Needs of level 2 are defined in the content of the parent need (level 1) and so on.


Each list element gets its own, independent need object. They are not nested.

Default: nested


Character to be used as delimiter, to define which part of the list-element shall be used as title, which one as content.

The first split part is used as title, the rest as content.

Default: .

links-down set automatically links between the different levels of the list.

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec, test
   :presentation: standalone
   :links-down: triggers, tests

   * (NEED-A)Login user
     * (NEED-B)Provide login screen
     * (NEED-C)Create password hash
       * (NEED-D)Recalculate hash and compare

:links-down: triggers, tests will set a link from type triggers from NEED-A to NEED-B and NEED-C. NEED-C will get a link from type tests to NEED-D.

So links get set from the upper level down to all need-objects on the direct lower level (top-down approach).

The amount of given link-types must be the amount of used levels minus 1.

Result from the above example:

Requirement: Login user NEED-A ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
triggers: NEED-B, NEED-C
Specification: Provide login screen NEED-B ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
triggered by: NEED-A
Specification: Create password hash NEED-C ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: NEED-D
tests: NEED-D
triggered by: NEED-A
Test Case: Recalculate hash and compare NEED-D ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links incoming: NEED-C
is tested by: NEED-C

List examples

List with need-ids

.. list2need::
   :types: feature

   * (LIST2NEED-001) Feature 1
   * (LIST2NEED-002) Feature 2
   * (FEATURE.3) Feature 3
Feature: Feature 1 LIST2NEED-001 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Feature: Feature 2 LIST2NEED-002 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Feature: (FEATURE F_74E48 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
  1. Feature 3

Nested lists

.. list2need::
   :types: feature, req, spec, test

   * Level 1
     * Level 2
       * Level 3
         * Level 4
Feature: Level 1 F_F25D3 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
child needs: R_EA5C4
Requirement: Level 2 R_EA5C4 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: F_F25D3
child needs: S_CE0AA
Specification: Level 3 S_CE0AA ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: R_EA5C4
child needs: T_0F2B7
Test Case: Level 4 T_0F2B7 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: S_CE0AA

List with newlines

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec

   * Level 1 need with newlines.
     With text in a newline to keep it readable

     Empty lines are okay as well.
Requirement: Level 1 need with newlines R_F199E ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg

With text in a newline to keep it readable

Empty lines are okay as well.

Simple rst in lists

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec

   * Level 1 need with rst. With **some** rst-content for :ref:`list2need`
Requirement: Level 1 need with rst R_53FBF ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg

With some rst-content for list2need

rst-directives in lists

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec

   * Level 1 need and more
     * And a complex sub-need on level 2 with an image-directive.

     .. image:: /_static/sphinx-needs-logo.png
        :align: center
        :width: 20%
Requirement: Level 1 need and more R_50FCC ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
child needs: S_38199
Specification: And a complex sub-need on level 2 with an image-directive S_38199 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: R_50FCC

Lists with need-part support

.. list2need::
   :types: req, spec

   * (LIST2NEED-REQ-1)Requirement which shall get also need-parts.
     Some need-parts:

     First: :np:`(1)The first need-part`

     Second: :np:`(ANOTHER)ANOTHER need-part`

     * And a spec need.
       Lets reference a need-part frm above: :need:`LIST2NEED-REQ-1.1`
Requirement: Requirement which shall get also need-parts LIST2NEED-REQ-1 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
child needs: S_6A582

Some need-parts:

First: The first need-part 1

Second: ANOTHER need-part ANOTHER

Specification: And a spec need S_6A582 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
parent needs: LIST2NEED-REQ-1

Lets reference a need-part frm above: The first need-part (LIST2NEED-REQ-1.1)

Set meta-data

Meta-data can be set directly in the related line via: ((status="open")). Or if the amount of option/values is getting too complex, in a second step by using needextend.

The position of the option-string inside the line is not important. Multiple options need to be separated by ,. And instead of " also ' can be used.

.. list2need::
   :types: feature, req

   * (EXT-FEATURE-A)Feature A
     * (EXT-REQ-1)Requirement 1. It shall be fast. ((tags="A, fast", style="green_border"))
     * (EXT-REQ-2)Requirement 2. It shall be big. ((tags="A, big", style="red_border"))
   * (EXT-FEATURE-B)Feature B.
     Options are given in next line for readability
     ((status="done", tags="B", links="EXT-FEATURE-A"))

.. needextend:: EXT-FEATURE-B
   :style: yellow
Feature: Feature A EXT-FEATURE-A ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links incoming: EXT-FEATURE-B
child needs: EXT-REQ-1, EXT-REQ-2
Requirement: Requirement 1 EXT-REQ-1 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: A, fast
style: green_border
parent needs: EXT-FEATURE-A

It shall be fast.

Requirement: Requirement 2 EXT-REQ-2 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: A, big
style: red_border
parent needs: EXT-FEATURE-A

It shall be big.

Feature: Feature B EXT-FEATURE-B ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: done
tags: B
style: yellow
links outgoing: EXT-FEATURE-A

Options are given in next line for readability