Open-Needs services

The Open-Needs service retrieves Need objects from a local or remote Open-Needs server and creates Sphinx-Needs objects during build time. The service creates need objects for each element found by querying the Open-Needs REST-API based server.

The service name for Open-Needs service must be open-needs.

Example of an imported open-needs:

.. needservice:: open-needs
   :prefix: ONS_
   :params: skip=0;limit=10


The following options can be specified under .. needservice:: open-needs directive.


A string, which is taken as prefix for the need-id. E.g. ONS_IMPORT_ –> ONS_IMPORT_003.

Default value: ONS_NEEDS_


A query string used to filter and organize the data retrieved from the open-needs service. For example: The query string limit=10 can be used as:

.. needservice:: open-needs
   :params: limit=10

Multiple values in the query string must be separated by a comma(,) or a semicolon(;). Example: :params: skip=1;limit=10

Default value: skip=0,limit=100


URL of the server. The final RESTful API address endpoint(url_postfix) gets added automatically. E.g.: or

Default value:


The final address of the endpoint. E.g.: /api/needs/

Default value: /api/needs/


Maximum amount of lines from open-needs objects description/content to be used in need content.


Most configuration needs to be done via the needs_services configuration in your file.

needs_services must contain a key with the service name, E.g. open-needs

The following key-value configuration parameters can be set for the Open-Need services:


Open-Needs service instance url. Default:


Username credentials used for login.


Password credentials used for login.


Prefix string for the final need id.


The field names of a service object do not often map to option names of Sphinx-Needs. So mapping defines where a Sphinx-Needs option shall get its value inside the service data.

mapping must be a dictionary, where the key is the needs object name and the value is either a Jinja string such as is_{{status}} or a list/tuple, which defines the location of the value in the retrieved service data object.

Example of an Open-Needs service data object
     "key": "NEP_001",
     "type": "Requirement",
     "title": "Build rocket",
     "description": "We finally need to build our Neptune3000 rocket.",
     "format": "txt",
     "project_id": 1,
     "options": {
       "status": "done",
       "priority": "high",
       "costs": 3500000,
       "approved": 1,
       "lastname": "Duodu"
       "firstname": "Randy"
     "references": {
       "links": [

Example using a Jinja string as value for the Open-Needs service

Goal: The need option author shall be set to the last and first names.

The last and first names information are stored in the retrieved Open-Needs data under lastname and firstname.

The mapping entry for author would like this:

'mapping': {
    'author': "{{options.lastname}} {{options.firstname}}",


When you use a Jinja string as value, you must ensure the field names of a service object does not contain spaces because that will raise a Jinja Template Syntax Error. For example: Instead of the field name being last name use last_name.

Example using a list/tuple as value for the Open-Needs service

Goal: The need option author shall be set to the last name.

The mapping entry for author would like this:

'mapping': {
    'author': ["options", "lastname"],


Content takes a string, which gets interpreted as rst-code for the need-content area. Jinja support is also available, so that service data is available and can be accessed like {{data.description}}.


There are use cases, where a value inside service data is not valid for a Sphinx-Needs options. For instance: In the data retrieved from the Open-Needs server, type is named Requirement, but Sphinx-Needs supports only req as value for type option.

mappings_replaces can replace strings defined by a regular expression with a new value. This replacement is performed for all mappings.


There may be information stored inside the Open-Needs service data fields which cannot be mapped to the Sphinx-Needs options, but is available inside the Need object.

This can be done by using extra_data, which adds this kind of information to the end of the content of a need object.

The logic and syntax is the same as used by mapping.


Some options can be overwritten by setting them directly in the need service directive:

.. needservice:: open-needs
   :prefix: ONS_IMPORT
   :params: skip=0;limit=10

Example configuration for

from docutils.statemachine import StringList  # noqa: E402
from sphinx.application import Sphinx  # noqa: E402
from sphinx.directives import SphinxDirective  # noqa: E402
from sphinx.roles import SphinxRole  # noqa: E402

from sphinx_needs.api import generate_need  # noqa: E402
from sphinx_needs.config import NeedsSphinxConfig  # noqa: E402
from sphinx_needs.logging import (  # noqa: E402
from sphinx_needs.needsfile import NeedsList  # noqa: E402

class NeedsWarningsDirective(SphinxDirective):
    """Directive to list all extension warning subtypes."""

    def run(self):



.. needservice:: open-needs
   :prefix: ONS_
   :params: skip=0;limit=10

.. needtable::
   :filter: "ONS" in id



The below examples are just images, as no Open-Needs Server instance was available during documentation build.

../_images/ons_example.png ../_images/ons_table.png